Open Source OPC UA For Manufacturing
Here is a manufacturing open-source project that somehow was under my radar. Perhaps that is because it began in Europe? It’s an open-source OPC UA platform–OpenOpcUa.
This looks interesting. Also looks like it is growing legs.
Here is its description–I love the first line:
First remember that Open is different than Free.
OpenOpcUa is an initiative launched in 2009 by a consortium of international companies led by Michel Condemine (4CE Industry). The objectives of this consortium are multiple:
- Create a professional quality codebase implementing OpcUa concept
- Help users understand OpcUa technology
Today OpenOpcUaCoreServer is the only one Open Source OPC UA server certified by the OPC Foundation Compliance Test Tool.
And here is further description:
Open Source C/C++ codebase for OPC UA product development.
The OpenOpcUa is an Open Source codebases (CECILL-C Licensed with no Fork option) that makes the OPC UA development easy. It’s available on Windows, Windows CE, Linux and VXWorks. With OpenOpcUa codebase you can create client and/or server. Because Open not means free. So to access the OpenOpcUa codebase you have to pay a one time fee. more detail here
The same codebase for all platforms
A server ready to use
Extension using a toolset for driver development
Powerful API for client development
Supports exisiting and future UA information models without recompilation.
UA information models loaded dynamically from XML file conform to the standardize UANodeSet.xsd
A common project supported by worldwide companies
OpenOpcUa code base is compliant with the OPC Foundation Compliance Test Tool (CTT)
If you have further information about this project, please let me know.