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Another busy week with two full days of lost writing time. But–there were two meetings where companies were celebrating 10 years of success. On Monday, Wes and I had a conference call with folks from Rockwell Automation Safety who were touting the company’s success in that market ten years after it made a decision to jump into the market with both feet. ARC Advisory Group recently anointed it the market leader in combined machine and process, and in machine safety.

Then while I was in Chicago, Yokogawa representatives visited the Summit Publishing offices with its latest DAQ station (data acquisition) celebrating the company’s success with its data acquisition product line–also after 10 years. 1999 must have been a good year. It was a good briefing bringing up to date with the latest Yokogawa products organization and giving us a good feel for the data acquisition product line.

I went to Chicago for an all-day briefing at Mitsubishi Electric Automation in Vernon Hills. There were no new announcements, but the company’s new automation platforms built on the IQ series seem to be catching on. According to its calculations, Mitsubishi is perhaps the overall second in market share in its combined automation markets. The US branch has reorganized marketing over the past couple of years, and if they can get some marketing communications going, you’ll recognize the name as an automation player over here.

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