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GigaOm reports that the average social gamer is a 43-year-old woman. Doesn’t surprise me, what with all my cousins farming and fishing and stuff.

Carl Henning at the Profiblog discusses a recent Automation World article on industrial networks and then expands on it (from the Profinet point of view, of course). Interesting.

Seth Godin says no more big events:

Here are things that you can now avoid:

  • The annual review
  • The annual sales conference
  • The big product launch
  • The grand opening of a new branch
  • Drop dead one-shot negotiation events

The reasons? Well, they don’t work. They don’t work because big events leave little room for iteration, for trial and error, for earning rapport. And the biggest reason: frequent cheap communication is easier than ever, and if you use it, you’ll discover that the process creates far more gains than events ever can.

Seth also talks about “phoning it in” or who you are and how you approach your work.

Presentation guru Nancy Duarte says Bill Gates went from presenting about his job to presenting about his passion and became a better presenter.

Meanwhile the other presentation guru Garr Reynolds looks at Jamie Oliver’s TED presentation and gives it a positive in both content and style. Check out the presentation for advice on nutrition and eating right.

Here’s how to hold meetings Google style. I like the having a firm agenda and micro meetings ideas.

From Wired, a view of Pluto.

From Zen Habits — Stillness is a powerful action.

And finally, a manufacturing one from Bill Waddell at Evolving Excellence, a story about how a company that does things right got the big order. A good news about US manufacturing story.




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