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This is the middle of “conference season” in the industry. Automation World Managing Editor Wes Iversen is at the Sapphire Conference of SAP this week. In 45 minutes, I’m heading to the airport for Houston and the ABB Power and Automation World user conference. More news coming from these.

There is still time to register and join batch processing engineers at the WBF Forum in Austin next week. I’ll also be there and looking forward to catching up on ISA88, B2MML and BatchML. This is always an informative gathering.

Then after Rockwell Automation’s RSTechEd the first week of June and the Honeywell User Group the next week come the MESA International North American Conference. You can catch more information both on the association Web site and on the MESA blog. There will be some excellent opportunities to sit down with experts in various fields and discuss technologies and practices of manufacturing operations management and developing metrics for measuring progress. Hope to see you there.

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