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Here is a list of some of my recent reading.

From David Siegel, some ideas for saving Microsoft. Along with an informative rebuttal.

I can’t believe how much Americans hate the vuvuzela (the horn that creates the incessant buzzing sound creating the backdrop to World Cup matches). National Instruments is a company with tons of engineers who do funny things with signal analysis. Mix the two and get a LabView app for filtering out the sound.

I live along Interstate 75. Every trip to Cincinnati and parts south takes me past a church with a seven-storey statue of Jesus with his arms raised–“Touchdown Jesus” as we say. I called home from Phoenix this week to check in with the wife and she told me that the statue was struck by lightening and burned to the ground. Something symbolic? The Dayton Daily News this morning says the preacher is preaching on the situation this Sunday.

Talk is cheap. The phrase “walking your talk” is powerful in your life. It’s how you build trust. And it’s hard to trust self-proclaimed conservatives like this guy.

“I once heard a Parker Hannifin controller describe engineers as people who are good with numbers but lacking the personality and social skills it takes to be accountants.” Great quote from Bill Waddell who goes on to dissect the comments of CFOs trying to chase the lowest wages and listening to themselves.

Predictive analytics is a phrase I just picked up at the Rockwell Software event. Here’s a Computerworld article that points to a new degree program at DePaul University.

Finally, worthwhile advice from Alan Webber about looking at all sides of an issue instead of jumping to unfounded conclusions.

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