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With all the attention in the past few years on “financial engineering” and its consequent destruction of the economy, are you still wondering about the value of “real engineering” that creates real value? Do you wonder about your role in the enterprise?

How would you like to be responsible for the problems facing Johnson and Johnson? Like this article from the LA Times: “The plan would require McNeil-PPC, a division of Johnson & Johnson, to adhere to a specific timetable to correct violations at the three plants and to hire an independent expert to inspect the facilities and make sure that manufacturing processes meet federal standards. The plants are in Fort Washington, Pa.; Lancaster, Pa.; and Las Piedras, Puerto Rico.” What are the repercussions on the enterprise when manufacturing management gets its priorities mixed and brings in the Feds?

There is a similar article in The New York Times.

Or take the case of the engineers and operators working valiantly in dangerous conditions to bring the nuclear reactors under control in Japan. I think they are heroes. They also are providing great value not only to their company, but also to their country and society.

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