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I’m looking forward to renewing my acquaintance with Mike Caliel in a couple of weeks at the ARC Forum in Orlando. He was led a revival of the company during his last tenure. It’ll be interesting to see what’s up his sleeve this time around.

He just issued a customer newsletter. Doesn’t say a lot, of course, but it’s interesting. Here’s a clip of his message:

When I was asked if I would take the reins at Invensys Operations Management, I performed very thorough due diligence. I wanted to meet the leaders that were part of my team, see the technology, products and services we were offering and, just as importantly, see what was in development.

I came away from my research very enthused! The people (some of whom I knew from my past tenure, some who joined Invensys since I had left) are of the highest caliber. Our strategy and our ability to deliver against that strategy are both strong. Our market capabilities and competitive differentiation are clearly advantages. And based on my discussions with several of you, the market perception of Invensys was that it was a leader in innovation, in trustworthiness and in the value it provided to your business.

Did I come away thinking that things were perfect? Not at all. I came away with the sense that we can still do an even better job of providing you with unmatched service and innovative solutions. As importantly, the attitude I saw, the efforts I witnessed, and the talent, passion and commitment of our people made me feel great about the company I had once been a part of.

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