What do you do when you want to bring the latest IoT, Digital Twin, data analysis to legacy equipment that is still producing in your plant? This announcement just came my way to answer the question. Getting past my particular hang-up on predictive maintenance, there are some really useful solutions in here.

Using advanced 3D Digital Twin, AI, and machine learning technology innovative platform and sensor solution provide real-time insights into legacy equipment for triage and issue resolution

UrsaLeo, an enterprise software company that enables users to visualize operational data in a photorealistic 3D representation of their facility or product, and Shiratech, a world-leading specialist in Industry 4.0-based condition monitoring and predictive maintenance technologies, announced a collaboration to offer advanced 3D Digital Twin, AI, sensor, and machine learning technology. The combination of the UrsaLeo platform with Shiratech’s iCOMOX solution integrated into legacy equipment allows manufacturers to plan, predict, and prevent performance issues.

“For many manufacturers, replacing legacy equipment can cost anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars and may not be necessary with machinery that already operates at a high-performance level,” said John Burton, CEO of UrsaLeo. “Many types of older assembly equipment can be IIoT-enabled quickly, easily and cost-effectively, which is why the collaboration with Shiratech is vital to help bring companies with older equipment into the world of Industry 4.0.”

When I asked Burton how this happens, he told me, “We use a Shiratech sensor box that can be attached to the outside of an existing piece of machinery. It monitors, vibration, sound, magnetic field strength and current consumption. Once the ‘patterns’ the machine gives off are learned during normal operation, variations in those patterns can be detected by a human or by a machine learning algorithm. Not as good as having sensors inside equipment, but still good at detecting problems before failures happen.”

“The iCOMOX solution enables the precise monitoring of vibrations, magnetic-field, temperature, sound, and current. Using advanced AI and machine learning technology on edge this innovative solution provides real-time data about machine health, which is relayed directly to the cloud for analysis and real-time issue resolution,” said David Vactor, Managing Director of Shiratech.

Industrial machinery is designed to be a workhorse and can often last for many years before needing to be replaced. Without having to build an advanced factory or invest capital in new equipment, the UrsaLeo/Shiratech solution is ideal for cost-conscious executives looking to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0.

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