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I just wondered when Michael Bird of HPE was going to release another Technology Untangled podcast and, voila, here came one this morning into my Overcast feed. In this episode, Bird interviews Anthesis Group CEO Stuart McLachlan, HPE President and CEO Antonio Neri, Micro:bit Educational Foundation CEO Gareth Stockade, and ROKiT Venturi Racing CEO Susie Wolff. Bird summarizes, “2021 was a year to press on toward the future. We learned successful organizations are resourceful. The message of taking it on the chin and moving on came from each speaker. Each of us changed over the past two years, but there was also opportunity. As Wolff summarized in an earlier podcast, ‘Live in the moment, enjoy right now, be part of the journey instead of focusing just on end results.’ “

Interested in knowing more about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) consists of? Well, the podcasters from MIT’s Technology Review concocted a game show style explanation presented on its In Machines We Trust podcast.

The Internet of Things began to gain prominence a decade or more ago with the sensors added to smart phones and then to smart watches. GE touted the “Industrial Internet.” Then the Industrial Internet of Things swept the manufacturing and production landscape.The IT companies jumped on the wave. I went to Dell Technologies conferences (long since abandoned) followed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) first with Aruba networking and then the now dormant (I guess) IoT group, and briefly by Hitachi Vantara, which abandoned its manufacturing IoT emphasis faster than fans leaving after another Cleveland Browns loss.

On the other hand, smaller software startups began building IIoT platforms and either acquiring or being acquired. I noticed just a few years ago how my long-time sponsor, Inductive Automation, began adding components to its SCADA platform transforming into also an IoT platform. Talk sprung up about IoT Platforms replacing SCADA platforms. I listened today to a webcast from Litmus “Will Industrial IoT Platforms Replace SCADA?” This is a clearly presented comparison of the two with some MES thoughts thrown in for good measure. It is worth a listen. Definitely not a sales pitch.

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