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We are excited to announce that 2022 marks MESA’s 30th anniversary! On August 21,1992, a group of manufacturing technology luminaries gathered to form a membership society, and MESA members have been delivering excellence around what is now known as smart manufacturing ever since!  Thank you for helping us achieve this milestone, we look forward to celebrating with you over the coming months! 

I began a journey into software in the late 70s with RPG (for the IBM mini-computer of the time), BASIC, Pascal, and assembly. My boss at the time had a vision for using software and sent me to IBM training to install a 1978-version MRP II application–an early MES.

I’ve donated many hours to the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (Manufacturing Execution Systems Association) over the past 17 years or so. They have added a lot of thought leadership to Smart Manufacturing. Congratulations for surviving 30 years.

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