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It has been many years since I did any servo drive sizing, but I must say I’m still haunted by the work. This news coming just before Hannover maintains my confidence in Festo’s technical chops.

Electric Motion Sizing

Slashing the engineering time required for identifying and specifying harmonized electric motion systems 

Multi-axis handling systems can be specified 

Simply input key parameters, such as mass, stroke/travel distance, and cycle time (see video). 

Performs the complex mass moment of inertia calculations 

Identifies in real time the combination of components most effective for the application’s parameters 

Following selection, the Electric Motion Sizing tool transfers the selected combination of components to the Festo online shop, together with commissioning files. The online shop provides pricing and delivery information

Festo integrated Electric Motion Sizing with the Festo Automation Suite for simplified commissioning. With the Festo Automation Suite, diverse products from remote IO to pneumatic valve terminals, PLCs, and servo drives are commissioned via a single free tool

Automation Suite automatically connects to the Festo cloud to download project specific documentation and updates within the software

It also incorporates Codesys code for programming PLCs and motion controllers.

See more.

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