Manufacturing Software News-MESA and OAGi

Manufacturing Software News-MESA and OAGi

MESA International

MESA International

This is an interesting announcement. One organization writes white papers and otherwise disseminates MES knowledge; the other is a standards setting organization. Although MESA did absorb WBF when it was left without a home. WBF was the developer of B2MML. All three of the organizations have contributed to the OpenO&M Initiative and to the OGI Pilot project.

Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Open Applications Group Inc. (OAGi). According to MESA, this agreement will make it easier for both organizations to work together and bring value to their common set of stakeholders, and formalizes the ways in which each organization can contribute to the other’s committees and working groups to bring specific expertise to key initiatives.

The speed of technology advancement is so rapid today that collaboration with industry thought leaders is more important than ever. MESA has always worked to bring domain experts together, share knowledge and drive industry forward. This agreement is another example of such an effort.

Commenting on this news, Mike Yost, president of MESA, said, “We’re happy to formalize this cooperative agreement with OAGi. Given the speed of business today and the ever-expanding role IT-based solutions are playing within manufacturers, we need more capable people at the table working together to drive value for everyone. This agreement helps ensure our two organizations can do just that.”

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