A marketing person offered a meeting with Sanu Warrier, Software Product Director at nVent during the recent Automation Fair. I have not kept up with all mergers and acquisitions. NVent is the parent company of Hoffman enclosures and much more.
My last update from this company was several years ago. I was familiar with electrical enclosure layout CAD software. A customer actually bought one from me in the 90s. But why would there be a director of software and a meeting?
This software has progressed from my time. It provides digital twin technology. Manufacturers, machine builders, and OEMs find this helpful. The software provides information for wire routing, hydraulics and pneumatics information, schematics, panel layout for hole drilling, components library. They incorporate one of my favorite applications included is workflow for building the panel, provides information for cutting and putting connectors of each wire, then information for which wire to assemble next and where to connect it. And, of course, work instructions.
The application is called Assembly Task Manager, Connected Assembly.
Very interesting.