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International Data Corporation (IDC) will host the IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Manufacturing 2015 Predictions on Thursday, December 4th at 10:00 a.m. US Eastern time. IDC’s annual Predictions Web conference series features an accompanying IDC FutureScape report, part of the newly launched IDC DecisionScape portfolio of decision-making methodologies. The new reports are designed to help technology professionals in their strategic IT planning efforts. The Web conference will feature the following IDC Manufacturing Insights analysts: Robert Parker, Simon Ellis, Kimberly Knickle, Jeff Hojlo, Christopher Holmes, Lorenzo Veronesi, Heather Ashton, and Marc Van Herreweghe.

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The Webcast will focus on ten critical decisions that executives and decision makers within manufacturing need to consider in the next 36 months to be leaders in the industry.

  • Specific details regarding how manufacturers will actively channel of their IT budgets through industry clouds that enable seamless and flexible collaboration models.
  • Guidance on how manufacturers will invest substantially in increasing the visibility and analysis of information exchange and business processes, within the company and with partners.
  • Quantifiable measures detailing how manufacturers will explore the viability of micro logistics networks to enable the promise of accelerated delivery for select products and customers.

“IDC Manufacturing Insights sees a number of important industry drivers that will shape the manufacturing industry for the next few years, including complex value chains, support for continuing emerging market growth, customer (and consumer) centricity, ubiquitous connectivity, and data-driven insights. These drivers inform the ten decision imperatives for 2015 and beyond,” said Simon Ellis, Practice Director at IDC Manufacturing Insights.

The IDC FutureScape report that this Web conference is based on will be published and available within 24 hours of the event.

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