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How to keep on learning

How to keep on learning

Thanks to Seth Godin for a great thought. How do you keep on learning?

He asks, “Quick, what’s XIV squared?”

Did you know that there is no zero in Roman numerals? You can’t do advanced math without a zero.

He links the idea that if you are missing a few important tools, even one, then your work is hindered. You have to obtain the necessary tools–which usually consist of vocabulary. A limited vocabulary will limit your career growth.

Says Godin, “Here’s my advice: Every time you hear an expert use a word or concept you don’t understand, stop her and ask to be taught.  Every time. After just a few interactions, you’ll have a huge advantage over those who didn’t ask.”

I’d add, read with a dictionary (or dictionary app or browser). When you don’t know a word, look it up.

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