Future Economics, Or Who Will Be Wealthy From Manufacturing

Martin Ford is at the forefront of writers describing a pessimistic view of the future when all jobs can be automated. His book, “Lights in the Tunnel” was published in 2009. I reviewed it and a blog post and also did a video essay on the subject.

He recently took economist Paul Krugman to task in a recent blog post.

“Paul Krugman has recently taken a keen interest in the rise of robots and automation — an issue that I have been focusing on since the publication of my book on this subject back in 2009. In a recent post, Krugman says the following:

Smart machines may make higher GDP possible, but also reduce the demand for people — including smart people. So we could be looking at a society that grows ever richer, but in which all the gains in wealth accrue to whoever owns the robots.

Ford continues: “I think there is a fundamental problem with this way of thinking: as jobs and incomes are relentlessly automated away, the bulk of consumers will lack the income necessary to drive the demand that is critical to economic growth.

“Every product and service produced by the economy ultimately gets purchased (consumed) by someone. In economic terms, “demand” means a desire or need for something – backed by the ability and willingness to pay for it. There are only two entities that create final demand for products and services: individual people and governments. (And we know that government can’t be the demand solution in the long run). Individual consumer spending is typically around 70% of GDP in the United States.”

Ford does get directly to the crux of the matter. If there are no jobs, then there is no income, then there are no consumers, then there is no need to make anything, so we don’t have jobs anyway.

I have been thinking about a radical rethinking of this idea. These ideas presume an economy based on cash. We really haven’t had an economy that required so much cash for that many years. Granted I’m from a rural area, but most folks I knew when I was a child knew how to get by with a lot less cash. They had big gardens and knew how to preserve foods. They raised chickens and other animals. They did a lot of hunting and fishing.

None of this works in a city necessarily, but those are skills that we’ve left behind. Speaking of skills. Humans want to be creative and productive. Ever heard of a barter economy? There was some of that when I was a kid, too. My dad was an accountant. Sometimes he was paid with a ham or something like that. The IRS may not like a barter economy, but if indeed jobs disappear and no one has cash, I bet that you’ll see a strong barter economy spring up.

Automation creates jobs

Meanwhile a trade association representing companies that manufacture robotics, vision systems and motion control systems maintained automation actually adds jobs. It offered no foundation for the premise. I think mostly it was just marketing its trade show. But an interesting point.

By the way, I am fascinated when all the non-manufacturing people–even Nobel-prize winning economists–discuss manufacturing. They don’t have a clue, do they? And they always equate automation and robots.

Skills gap

I never thought I’d highlight the American Enterprise Institute, but Confronting the U.S. Advanced Manufacturing Skills Gap By Thomas A. Hemphill, Waheeda Lillevik, and Mark J. Perry published last Monday is an excellent look at manufacturing and jobs.

Here are some excerpts, We have a skills gap and it’s going to get worse. Here’s what we can do about it.

In its report, the BCG concludes that U.S. manufacturers are trying to hire high-skilled workers at “rock-bottom” wage rates, and that is not what it would characterize as a “skills gap.” As Adam Davidson asks in his recent New York Times Magazine article “Skills Don’t Pay the Bills”: Who wants to operate a highly sophisticated machine for $10 per hour? Answer: not a lot of people. As a result, says Davidson, there really isn’t a skills gap. Rather, it’s the unwillingness of manufacturers to pay higher wages that is causing the skilled worker shortage, which is a view that is consistent with the BCG report.

How do we reconcile the fact that NAM is reporting a skilled worker shortage of 600,000, while the BCG’s estimate of the gap is only 80,000–100,000 workers, and Adam Davidson dismissively refers to the current situation as a “so-called skills gap” and a “fake skills gap”?

To start, just because workers may not want to train for a job that has a low rate of pay does not necessarily mean that a real skills gap does not exist. The discussion should not focus so much on whether the worker shortage is 80,000 or 600,000, but rather on identifying the root cause of the skills gap, large or small, and how to address it.

Although there are some differences in estimates of the magnitude of the current skilled worker shortage in manufacturing, there is general consensus that a skills gap exists and that it will likely worsen in the near future. Fortunately, the issue of the skills gap is generating a fair amount of national media and industry attention, which is bringing some well-deserved debate to an important topic that is crucial to a key sector of the U.S. economy.

The future of America’s advanced manufacturing sector looks very promising overall, especially if the reshoring/insourcing trend continues and manufacturers can find skilled workers for the factory floor of the 21st century. Now that the manufacturing sector and the education establishment are working together to confront the advanced manufacturing skills gap and train skilled workers for advanced manufacturing, we are hopefully on a path toward resolving the current skilled worker shortage.

In “Race Against the Machine”, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee also argue for the necessity of educating the workforce.

The New York Times guy misses one point. At least in western Ohio, skilled machine operators and technicians who keep them running make more than $10/hr. But then, we don’t need New York City incomes to live well out here, either.

Technological Innovation

James Woods, writing in the Industrial Thin Client Blog, provides an interesting overview of technological innovation over the past century or so.

He concludes, “So what is the lesson to be learned here? As long as there are people with innovative ideas and large corporations to buy and proliferate those ideas, there will continue to be technological innovation…even if individuals working out of a tiny garage are no longer the ones to deliver those ideas to the masses.”

He hits on a key point that I think is often missed in technology futurist pundits’ analyses. It’s innovation. Machines really can’t do innovation–or at least not significantly. When we think that we’re at the end of some trend, then someone innovates a technology and we set off in new directions. Human society has been doing that for millennia. There’s no reason to think that we’ve hit the end of the road. The end of the road will happen when the sun starts dying, expands into a red giant and then collapses into a black hole.

[side note] I can’t believe that it’s been all week and I haven’t written anything. I have several things started, but I’ve had a lot to wade through. More coming in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Orlando at the ARC Forum. It should be a good time.

What Does 60 Minutes Know

I guess that the TV show “60 Minutes” aired a program on automation and jobs. I say “guess” because I don’t watch that show. Haven’t for 20 years. It became infamous for its creative editing of interviews.

Seems that the focus of the show came from “Race Against the Machine” (taken from the old John Henry ballad) by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. I saw a post on McAfee’s blog that was complimentary of the piece. The message is that automation replaces jobs.

For some reason in spite of the facts, the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), calling itself “the global advocate for the automation industry,” issued a statement saying it “is disappointed in how 60 Minutes portrayed the industry in Sunday night’s ‘March of the Machines’ segment.”

“While the 60 Minutes depiction of how technological advances in automation and robotics are revolutionizing the workplace was spot on, their focus on how implementation of these automation technologies eliminates jobs could not be more wrong,” said Jeff Burnstein, President of A3, a trade group representing some 650 companies from 32 countries involved in robotics, vision, and motion control technologies. “We provided 60 Minutes producers several examples of innovative American companies who have used automation to become stronger global competitors, saving and creating more jobs while producing higher quality and lower cost products, rather than closing up shop or sending jobs overseas. They unfortunately chose not to include these companies in their segment. With respect to MIT Professors Brynjolfsson and McAfee who gave their viewpoint in the piece, they are missing the bigger picture.”


While the trade association makes a point that some companies have added jobs because of robots (one of the main product groups within the association–the others being vision and motion control), the big picture is that automation in general and robotics in particular have eliminated many jobs. When you look at manufacturing output and relation to GDP in dollar terms, manufacturing is still significant. However, when you look at total employment, it has been declining for some time.

That is not all bad. Much of the work done by robotics was unsafe, unhealthy and difficult for humans. Getting manufacturing work done without injuring people is a good thing. Productivity is a good thing. As our manufacturing companies become more productive and efficient, they also become globally competitive.

I support robotics, vision and motion control technologies. They have advanced manufacturing significantly over the past 30 years. But not necessarily as a job creator. New jobs will come from new companies building new things that we don’t even imagine right now.

Skills needed

There are new jobs, though. And these jobs require education and skills. The problem is for unskilled labor. We built up a huge jobs engine for unskilled labor through the first 70 years of the last decade. The jobs were often back-breaking, but they also paid well. They were also monotonous. Unsafe. Unhealthy. Men often died very soon after retirement because their bodies were worn down.

Late 19th century writers saw the coming of mass industrialization. Up until then, manufacturing was done by craftsmen. One piece at a time. Their soul went into the making of the piece. Every little town had its blacksmith who created fine things out of metal. But philosophers began to see the production line and division of labor breaking down that craftsmanship. They preached that this took the “soul” out of the making of products.

In the 80s, a book entitled “The Second Industrial Divide” looked at that problem and predicted a return of craftsmen as we entered an era of “mass customization.” I know many craftsmen in manufacturing these days. Many are called technicians. These people are not so alienated from their product as the earlier generation.

Myths of Manufacturing

I wrote about this last August. There I noted–One question to me is what is to become of unskilled labor? Take a look at some comments from McAfee’s latest blog from older manufacturing workers. “You didn’t need a high school diploma.” “You just needed to be a hard worker, and you needed to show up every day, because it wasn’t easy work.” “The skills I had weren’t really applicable”.

And I concluded:

Part of the answer is to provide more and better education to more of our population. There are millions of jobs that require some sort of technical education. It may not always require a university degree, but it will require something beyond basic high school work. Let’s make more unskilled people skilled people.

What I like about “The Race Against the Machine” is that the authors do not end in pessimism. They offer what they call the “tip of the iceberg” of prescriptions. Here’s my summary of the top of the tip of the ideas:
• Invest in education
• Teach entrepreneurship as a skill
• Lower government barriers to business creation
• Invest to upgrade the country’s communications and transportation infrastructure
• Increase funding for basic research
• Reform patent system

Invensys Enhances Social Community

I have often referred to Jim Cahill’s blog as the model for a company-oriented social media effort. His perseverence over many years–going on eight, I believe (gosh, we’re all getting old)–has paid off well.

Maryanne Steidinger told me about the Invensys blogs last October and I subscribed and wrote about them. Invensys Operations Management recently enhanced the entire social media experience. One one “Innovate@IOM” page, you are referred to the various ways the company reaches out to the community. Facebook (which I don’t do for business, but that’s just me), Twitter and a page that shows the many blogs of Invensys leaders from software to hardware to training. Check it out.

If anyone else has something new going, let me know. It all helps build a big automation community and educates us.

Passing of a Visionary and Leader

Dennis Morin passed away recently. Many of you may not know him or who he was. I only met him once or twice–and that was probably before I became an editor. He was described to me many times as the ultimate hippy who lived life to the fullest.

He was also a visionary and leader in the world of automation. He founded Wonderware in 1987 with Phil Huber and laid the foundation for the next 25 years and counting of manufacturing software. You see, he based Wonderware HMI/SCADA on Microsoft Windows. That was not only revolutionary, but seemingly crazy. Everyone was UNIX at the time. Who the heck was going to use those crazy PCs with that flaky operating system?? Well, today pretty much everyone.

The other thing Dennis did was to nurture the next generation of automation leaders. Between him and Ken Spenser, who was leading Texas Instruments in Johnson City, Tennessee at the time, almost the entire next generation of leaders was recruited, nurtured and sent out to spread the word. I think even more than the technology, this legacy was fantastic.

There is a great article in the Orange County Business Journal (where I got the picture).


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