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Following up on my last post, which started to get too long.

Regarding the wireless networks situation and just so you know, I have no dog in that hunt. I observe, I listen, I try to make sense of the situation. It hasn’t been easy. There are lots of opinions, technical evaluations and suspicion. And I’m not knocking all the volunteer leadership on the entire ISA 100 committee. They are certainly dedicated.

But I think that things are at a point where true progress will happen only when those involved quit drawing battle lines and start solving the problem. I wish I could step in and resolve the issue and get a consensus standard done. I don’t have that knowledge or skill. I can just write. So–let’s get it done.

There were so many examples of past and current leadership on standards at the ARC Forum that it was really heartening to see the progress that we can make. The results of the hard work over years devoted to ISA88, ISA95 and ISA99 with the additional Technical Report documenting PackML were evident everywhere. I’d love to list all the individuals and companies who supported their work, but I’m sure I’d leave out many deserving of honor. The work of MIMOSA in the operations and maintenance space is also beginning to bear fruit on the automation side.

Much great work has been done. Much remains to be done. Kudos to all of you who have participated. That is true industry leadership.

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