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Location applications are one of the hot areas in automation. Security is a major driver–knowing where people and assets are located in the event of an event at a plant. There are many other uses that make these applications attractive. Apprion announced the release of ION Location Application, IONite Personnel Tag and IONite Asset Tag. ION Location enables a suite of applications to address security, safety and environmental regulations and improve overall safety, productivity, asset utilization and performance. ION Location supports leading real-time locating technology systems including Wi-Fi, UWB and satellite in a single, comprehensive network. The location information from all of these systems is displayed on a single dashboard with integrated CAD drawings, maps and satellite photographs of a site to visually navigate the entire facility from a desktop while tracking the location and condition of people and key assets from a highly accurate spatial and visual perspective.

At the press conference series at the ARC Forum in Orlando.

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