Yesterday I published some news about the ISA Water/Wastewater controls symposium. Today, I heard about two more learning and networking opportunities from ISA. I thought I’d throw in some reminders of a couple of others I’ll be at.
In just two weeks, I’ll be presenting at one of the breakout sessions at the annual MARTS Conference, (maintenance and reliability technology summit). I’m speaking March 13 on the digital technologies of sensors and instrumentation that enable such good maintenance practices as predictive maintenance in the O’Hare airport area.
The Automation Conference
If you came to our Packaging Automation Forum in the past and can’t find it listed this year–fret not. We have greatly expanded our annual conference into The Automation Conference. There is still a packaging automation session–greatly expanded from past years. We have also added a Process Automation track and a Factory Automation track. Many good speakers have committed. Plus we have an Ethernet networking “shoot-out.” If you have been confused by conflicting claims of differing industrial Ethernet protocols, come to the O’Hare area May 22-23 and see them all in one place. Get your questions answered at once.
ISA Communications Division
There are two ISA Communications Division opportunities in the next few months.
On April 16-17, 2012 in the Detroit. Michigan area, The ISA Communications Division and ISA-100 Standards Committee Wireless for Factory Automation Workshop will hold the premiere event in 2012 to meet with peers and share ideas and learn about the latest advances in the use of industrial wireless communications in a factory setting.
The event will include Standards meetings, the opportunity to meet with the authors, editors and contributors to the documents in development. The resulting conversations with these experts will significantly increase your understanding of wireless
communications technology thus better preparing you for this groundbreaking technology and how to effectively deploy it in your facility.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Use cases in applying wireless sensor network technology
Emerging Trends
Sensor developments
Integration of sensor networks with backhaul systems
Asset management
Sensor diagnostics and their use for life cycle operations
Coexistence with other networks
On June 5-7, 2012, Hyatt Regency La Jolla, California will be the scene of an opportunity to meet with peers and share ideas and learn about the latest advances in all forms of industrial communications from telemetry, fieldbus, Ethernet, and wireless technologies. We will be building on the success of the 2011 Passive Wireless Sensor Tag workshop by offering this full workshop as one track in the Symposia.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Passive Wireless Sensor Tag Workshop:
Use Cases & Lessons Learned in applying PWST technology
Emerging Trends & Products
Technology & Research
Sensor developments
Process industries 1-on-1 conversations with leading developers and adopters of this technology through facilitated meetings.
Communications Division Symposium:
Fieldbus technologies
Industrial Ethernet
Wired & wireless
Wireless Sensor Networks
RFID networks
IEC and Standards Development
Best Practices
Smart Instruments
Asset Management