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More companies are releasing cloud-based manufacturing software–otherwise known as Software as a Service or even Platform as a Service. I believe that this is going to be disruptive to the MES/MOM application area.

Here is a post I found on TechCrunch about enterprise software in the age of consumerization of software interfaces that I think shows some of the future. Following is an excerpt. Check out the entire article.

This guest post is written by Uzi Shmilovici, the founder and CEO and founder of Future Simple, the company behind Base CRM.

Here are three predictions on how consumerization will change the face of business computing forever:

  • A new class of enterprise software — With the cost of building and serving great software going down and the new user experience paradigms becoming more pervasive, a new generation of business software emerges. With a strong focus on user experience and on making the software useful for the users themselves and not only to their managers, this type of software accelerates adoption and provide 10X the value for a fraction of the cost.
  • Dramatic shift in discovery channelsCIO magazines are great but today people find new apps via social media, peer recommendations, search or, increasingly, through the various app stores. There’s no need for a special committee to choose the right software when you can rely on credible ratings and recommendations. The employees bring their apps and collaboration tools from home and effectively make the decision for the enterprise.
  • Failure of traditional vendors to adopt — Don’t want to name names but it is absolutely insane that most of the traditional vendors failed to put together good mobile apps. Truth is that it is not easy to do when you are sitting on top of a complex legacy code that barely runs in a modern browser, let alone on a new device.
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