No, not me. Heaven forbid. (I’d never be elected from my district in western Ohio, anyway.) I’ve known David Hancock for perhaps 10-11 years. He’s the COO of ACP Thin Client. I thought he was level-headed, smart and knows technology and manufacturing. But, he’s running for U.S. Congress, anyway.
I sometimes rant about politicians–but heck, that’s easy. It’s also easy to sit back and apply things like logic and common sense to what essentially is a fund-raising job. I also don’t endorse political candidates. But if you live in the 7th District in Georgia, you might check him out. Or, if you live elsewhere, you might also check him out and get ideas.
One of his ideas picks up on some original ideas of the founding of the USA–you own a business, take some time off to dedicate to the common good by serving in such things as a legislature, then you go back to the business or farm. I agree with that. The founders of the nation hoped that we wouldn’t see the rise of a political class, but we have.
I’m too independent to even agree with the Tea Party people (I’d agree with them, but mostly I don’t like the attitude I hear from too many of them).
David has some interesting ideas. Maybe like Arlo Guthrie said about the Alice’s Restaurant Masacree–it’ll become a movement.