The Russian invasion of Ukraine has not escaped my attention. I took a couple of years away from technical education to study international relations under a professor with Army Intelligence and CIA background. He was a bit weird, but he also had a wealth of information and contacts. I often wondered if I should have taken him up on the offer to join the CIA. Well, no, I was better off the direction I went.
This story from Ukraine came my way. I am not a supply chain expert, but there are stories that fit the manufacturing connection story. This is one. Talk about important connections. These quotes come from Alexa Syniacheva, co-founder and CEO, Moeco.
“The war in Ukraine came as a shock to the world. On a personal level, I am the Ukrainian CEO of a Berlin-based startup, originally from the Ukrainian city of Odesa. My co-founder, Mit Gorilovskiy, and I and founded Moeco in 2018 and run our team across Europe and the US. I have already taken time out to ensure that my family has safely left the country, and am now doing all I can to help my fellow Ukrainians.
Moeco provides logistics visibility solutions based on disposable 4G/5G IoT sensors and a SaaS platform, which allow us and the recipient to track goods to their final destination. We are coordinating directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defence to organize the purchase and logistics of medical supplies and body armor, and then ensuring these critical items reach the areas where they are needed most.
So far, we have shipped almost $2.5 million worth of supplies, helped by private fundraising initiatives!
To expand our fundraising efforts, Moeco has also teamed up with This is a charity initiative by friend of Moeco, Tatyana Grinuova, a Ukrainian philanthropist and marathon runner. Based in Berlin, Tatyana is currently running a half-marathon in the city center every day to raise funds — and has pledged to do so each day until the war ends. The funds will go to purchasing and supplying these essential items for Ukraine.”