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MQTT seems to be still growing as a favorite light-weight data transport for industrial data. HiveMQ, whom I had a chance to chat with briefly at the Inductive Automation ICC event in September, has released a new MQTT product.

HiveMQ Data Hub, an integrated policy engine within the HiveMQ broker designed to enforce data integrity and quality, helps to detect and manage distributed data and misbehaving MQTT clients with the ability to validate, standardize, and manipulate data in motion.

HiveMQ Data Hub is available now and provides the following capabilities:

  • Create a schema policy in JSON or Protobuf formats
  • Define policy actions for data that fails validation
  • Store schema registries locally for faster access and data processing in a single system
  • Define behavioral policies to determine how devices work with the broker and log bad actors
  • Visualize the data in tools like Grafana with an API

HiveMQ Data Hub’s policy engine allows users to script policies and transform data into the right format as it moves through the broker. Creating and defining schema policies for validation and transformation enables users to add context and quality control to data to ensure consistency for reporting and analytics.

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