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Every time I participate in a survey the last page is an invitation to do my own survey. I think every industry marketing person has take them up on the offer. Limble CMMS has released State of Manufacturing and Facilities Maintenance Report, which reveals insights from manufacturing and facility maintenance professionals on the top challenges they face today and what their immediate focus is on. Some of these are no-brainers; but some are interesting.

Some key stats from the report include:

  • To embrace a shift toward advanced technologies, 91% of manufacturing professionals said they are shoring up their data collection and analysis capabilities. Machine sensors and IoT technology are important tools for the consistent and accurate data collection needed to leverage advanced technologies.
  • More than half (51%) of respondents chose excessive downtime, aging infrastructure or workforce issues (e.g. lack of skilled workers) as one of their top three current challenges
  • In addressing downtime issues, 78% of respondents say they are supporting preventive maintenance initiatives
  • In addressing workforce challenges, 55% of respondents say they are focusing on recruitment and retention, and 52% are looking to increase pay and benefits for workers.
  • Proactive maintenance (72% of respondents) and investing in new equipment (69% of respondents) are the top two ways in which respondents are addressing the issue of aging infrastructure.
  • 69% of manufacturing and facility maintenance professionals said they are focused on diversifying suppliers to address challenges within their supply chain.
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