Major Windows Outage Affects Millions

A major cybersecurity failure. I have not written about the “Blue Screen of Death” or BSOD since the late 90s and the PC-based control movement. Waking up this morning, that dreaded phrase returned to my mail reads. By now you've seen photos of lines at airports and...

Junk Food For The Mind

Cal Newport, computer science professor and author (Slow Productivity), noticed a sign while on book promotion tour in England regarding the noxious effects of overly processed food, aka junk food. The message caused a companion thought—junk food for the mind. He had...

New Words; Old Strategies

The CTO and co-founder of a tech company chanced to have lunch with me at a conference several years ago. After I asked about technologies that would become important, I mentioned the series of conference themes that seemed to chase the latest fads. He told me that...

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