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Chronic or Crisis

Chronic or Crisis

I highly recommend putting Seth Godin on your radar—both his blog and his podcast. He always makes you rethink your assumptions.

He discusses problems—crisis versus chronic in this blog post.

We all live to the crisis. Pumps go down. Motor bearings freeze. Valves stick.

I’ve lived the situation of the plant manager threatening bodily harm if I don’t get the machine running—now.

Chronic? That’s an entirely different situation.

The problem exists. We just are not aware of it. That is, until it becomes a crisis.

Chronic is a system problem. We got used to it. A small, but nagging, pain that we learn to live with.

These require a change to the system to repair. Think the advice of W. Edwards Deming.

This is where a good IIoT system with solid analytics and visualization can save your bacon.

What little problems are you letting slide until it becomes a crisis?

Where Are The Manufacturing Jobs?

Where Are The Manufacturing Jobs?

Manufacturing jobs are a hot topic. The concern was prominent in the presidential election. Journalists who know nothing about manufacturing or automation are pontificating. Everyone has ideas.

Seth Godin has written a perceptive article on jobs—where they were and where they are going. He is known as a marketing guru, but he is a keen observer of business.

In this post, he wrote about jobs going away. “The good jobs I’m talking about are the ones that our parents were used to. Steady, consistent factory work. The sort of middle class job you could build a life around. Jobs where you do what you’re told, an honest day’s work, and get rewarded for it. Those jobs. Where did they go? The computer ate them.”

Now, I argue that that is not all bad. Many of the jobs were mindlessly repetitive. Many were also physically debilitating or downright dangerous. But there is no denying that the economics of the 1950s and 1960s allowed companies to buy labor peace with high wages.

But things have changed.

“For a hundred years, industrialists have had a clearly stated goal: standardized workers building standardized parts. The assembly line was king, and the cruel logic of commodity economics pushed industrialists to improve productivity. They did this by improving the assembly line and, when they could, by paying workers less.”

Godin opines that today, workers serve the computer. From machine operators to office workers. “Sure, there are still pockets of work that are essentially unmeasured or unique enough that they’re difficult to replace. This is where the remaining ‘good jobs’ exist. For the rest, though, the first brick in the wall is clear: Either you serve the computer or it serves you. Either you are working on spec to create a commodity, or you are using new tools to create disruptions and to establish yourself as the linchpin, the one we can’t easily live without.”

Then Godin strikes at the schools. A topic that I’ve devoted time in thinking and acting on. “During the last forty years, as the computer and the network destroyed the system that our schools were built for, we (from the top down, and also, most definitely, from the bottom up) did almost nothing to change the schools we built.”

Whose fault is this? Well, that can be spread around. “Parents and the institutions they fund closed their eyes and only paid attention to SAT scores and famous colleges.”

Schools were developed to serve the new manufacturing economy. Emphasis on basic skills, sitting in rows, and following instructions replaced education. Godin—“When a pre-employed person says, ‘I don’t know how to code and I’m not interested in selling,’ we need to pause for a moment and think about what we built school for. When he continues, ‘I don’t really have anything interesting to say, and I’m not committed to making a particular change in the world, but I’m pretty good at following instructions,’ we’re on the edge of a seismic shift in our culture. And not a positive one.”

Reminds me of when my dad told me when I was around 14, “Study, go to college, learn to be an engineer. Don’t settle for a job on the assembly line where you sit there all day putting a bolt in a hole.”

Funny thing, though, that many of the guys I’ve known over the years who had rote jobs like that were quite creative outside the factory. If only we could have tapped and encouraged that creativity.

Godin concludes, “No, the good jobs aren’t coming back. But yes, there’s a whole host of a new kind of good job, one that feels fundamentally different from the old days. It doesn’t look like a job used to look, but it’s the chance of lifetime if we can shift gears fast enough.”

Never Stop Learning – Manufacturing Leadership

Never Stop Learning – Manufacturing Leadership

“I am still learning” wrote Michelangelo at age 87. That’s one of my goals in life.

Seth Godin ran across this idea from the other direction. He wrote this week in Fully Baked:

In medical school, an ongoing lesson is that there will be ongoing lessons. You’re never done. Surgeons and internists are expected to keep studying for their entire career—in fact, it’s required to keep a license valid.

Knowledge workers, though, the people who manage, who go to meetings, who market, who do accounting, who seek to change things around them—knowledge workers often act as if they’re fully baked, that more training and learning is not just unnecessary but a distraction.

The average knowledge worker reads fewer than one business book a year.

On the other hand, the above-average knowledge worker probably reads ten.

Show me your bookshelf, or the courses you take, or the questions you ask, and I’ll have a hint as to how much you care about leveling up.

Where Do You Get Information?

I wrote yesterday’s post about getting information spurred by the thoughts of Jessica Lessin, founder of The Information. This is a Silicon Valley technology news site that is funded by subscriptions. No advertising. No worrying about pressure from advertisers to write something nice about them.

She recently wrote about the recent trend toward company CEOs or CTOs writing a piece, say on Medium, and then sending links and a quote to a few “trusted” sources in the media. She was seeing these stories picked up and passed along verbatim. No analysis or value add.

That is just what the PR people were hoping. How do they get their message out unfiltered. I’ve been advising marketing people along this path for years.

I knew a guy in my business similar to me who would just copy the press release and call it an article.

I have no problem learning about new products and solutions and technologies in the market from the source. Note: You do have to wade through an awful lot of hype and superlative words to get to the news. I don’t advise that, but marketing people seem to have no confidence in what they are peddling, so they resort to verbal overkill.

But when you go to a magazine or other source (like mine), you surely expect some perspective and analysis.

Where do you go to get this information? What do you trust?

Speaking of information

This piece in the MIT Sloan Management Review, Why Learning is Central to Sustained Innovation, seems to fit in with these thoughts. How do you create a learning environment for your people development culture?

Many managers think they can create better products just by improving the development process or adding new tools. But it’s skilled people, not processes, that create great products.

The authors, Michael Balle’, James Morgan, and Durward K. Sobek II, note, “We frequently visit companies where managers say they want to improve their product development capability. they want to learn how learn principles and practices can improve their ability to innovate while reducing costs and improving quality. When we inquire about their approach to human resource development, we often hear, as one vice president of product development recently told us, that  ‘of course, people are our most important asset. Se we recruit and hire the top people from the best universities and get out of their way.’

However, the only things many companies actually do under the heading of people development is to have an annual training-hours target and a travel budget for sending employees to conferences. If managers really thought that people were their greatest asset and that it’s the energy and creativity of employees that drives innovation, why do companies do so little? Why doesn’t growing and developing people excite them just as much as installing new additive manufacturing equipment or the latest cloud-based collaboration tool?”

It takes leadership concerned with a learning culture, beginning with the leaders. Are they always learning? Reminds me of James Truchard, founder of National Instruments. He had such tremendous curiosity. He passed that along to the organization in many ways. Everyone wanted to be like that.

Millennials and learning

In his On The Edge Blog, Keith Campbell, wrote:

Is a culture of entitlement contributing to the workforce skills gap?

There has been a lot of discussion of the entitlement mentality of today’s young people as they leave college and expect that they are owed a well-paying job starting somewhere near the top.  On today’s news, there was a discussion about some interns who decided that they were entitled to a work environment that operated the way they wanted it to, and they proceeded to challenge the employer’s policies (yes, the same employer that was kind enough to give them their first work experience). They were summarily fired. I was recently asked by a parent to provide some guidance to a son who had received a mechanical engineering degree, but had no job.  I suggested that he consider companies such as packaging machinery manufacturers or packagers – not only because they are hiring mechanical engineers, but because they offer exciting careers. But after a few minutes of speaking with him, I learned that he knew more about how the engineering workplace operated than I did (after 30 years), and he felt entitled to wait till some job came around that suited his vision of engineering.

Less often discussed is the entitlement mentality of employers.  I see employers also acting as though they are entitled to the workers that they want, when they want them and with the skills that they need.  There was a day when there were multiple qualified applicants for each open manufacturing job.  Employers had to use various screening mechanisms to pick from among the qualified.   But those days seem to be behind us.  Automation has raised the bar for entry level employment while high schools have arguably lowered the bar for graduation and reduced the diversity of programs, driven in large part by increasing state and national control.  The gap between the unemployed and unfilled manufacturing jobs is growing wider.

I’m currently sitting in a conference session. A speaker mentioned about Millennials and their work ethic. Sounded like Campbell above. I think that is a misplaced thought and terrible generalization. Remember when we talked about Gen X and the “slacker” mentality? I’m in a room about evenly divided with Boomers and GenXers. The GenX guys and gals are doing some really good engineering. But I remember when many of them asked how many months it would take before they would be CEO. Sounds more like the exuberance of youth than a generation thing.

The question remains. How do you keep learning? Where do you get information? How are you helping others learn?

How to keep on learning

How to keep on learning

Thanks to Seth Godin for a great thought. How do you keep on learning?

He asks, “Quick, what’s XIV squared?”

Did you know that there is no zero in Roman numerals? You can’t do advanced math without a zero.

He links the idea that if you are missing a few important tools, even one, then your work is hindered. You have to obtain the necessary tools–which usually consist of vocabulary. A limited vocabulary will limit your career growth.

Says Godin, “Here’s my advice: Every time you hear an expert use a word or concept you don’t understand, stop her and ask to be taught.  Every time. After just a few interactions, you’ll have a huge advantage over those who didn’t ask.”

I’d add, read with a dictionary (or dictionary app or browser). When you don’t know a word, look it up.

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