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Speaking of associations after yesterday’s post, the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International association has struggled over approaches to information it composes and discussions it sponsors. Some have held that to receive white papers and other articles, as well as to participate in the Association LinkedIn group should be reserved for members. This would be an enticement for individuals and companies to join up. As the association approaches its 23rd year it has expanded its goals to extend the conversation to the public about the role and value of Information Technologies (IT) in Manufacturing. The global association is working to get professionals in manufacturing enterprises talking the same language so that new technologies can be more quickly and successfully implemented.

MESA knows that in order to implement change in an enterprise, all people need to be informed and engaged. That’s why, over the next year, MESA will be taking several steps to help educate both members and nonmembers in all types and sizes of manufacturing enterprises.

• MESA will give public access to MESA International’s LinkedIn Group.
• MESA will host its Global Education Program certificate programs in Portugal, Atlanta, Germany, United Kingdom, Chicago, Czech Republic, South Africa, and will be teaching several private programs for those who want to educate their customers or employees in-house.
• MESA will offer free, limited-time access to select key resources to those who sign up for MESA’s newsletters.

Commenting on the goal to educate the public about IT in Manufacturing, Mike Yost, president, MESA International says, “Technology buzzwords – like Internet of Things and Big Data today – are nothing new to the MESA community. We’ve been demystifying them in manufacturing since our inception over twenty years ago. But now, we are at a turning point because the technologies are increasingly powerful and accessible for all types and sizes of manufacturers. It’s MESA’s job to reach these professionals to help them make better, more sustainable decisions in their business.”

To work with MESA or join the conversation, please contact MESA’s Marketing Director, Lindsey Frick at [email protected].

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