Are We Too Old To Be Creative?

Are We Too Old To Be Creative?

Are we too old to be creative? I don't even know you, but I know the answer. No! When I reached 30, I was really bummed. Over the hill. No great mathematician, so they said, ever had a significant discovery after age 30. But then, I was no mathematician. But still,...

Robots Rock at Automate

Robots Rock at Automate

Automate is the biennial trade show featuring robots, vision, and motion control technology and products. It is sponsored by the Association for Advancing Automation. I wrote about it Wednesday discussing statistics about robots and jobs. Even though I was deeply...

Manufacturing Jobs In America-Part 2

Manufacturing Jobs In America-Part 2

Manufacturing jobs—will they be people or robots? Whenever I am presented with an either/or I tend to think why not both or neither. Four choices, not two. In this case, three choices since neither means no manufacturing. And every country on God’s good Earth wants...

Manufacturing in America

Manufacturing in America

Here we go again—who’s winning the war for manufacturing jobs? Man or machine? Human or robot? John Henry, the steel-driving man, or the steam machine? Claire Cain Miller wrote the usual type of manufacturing article for The New York Times with the usual click-bait...

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