Magazine Media Group Goes Political

Magazine Media Group Goes Political

The publishing industry has intrigued me for most of my life. The last third or so of it I spent working within that industry. Both print and digital. I remain curious about where the industry is going. I had four bosses in the time I spent with magazine publishing....

Profinet Specification Now Includes Time Sensitive Networking TSN

Selling Excess Manufacturing Capacity

I receive many pitches every day. Many just don’t fit my interests. How could I pass up this one? “Just as Airbnb helps millions of people around the world instantly find a great place to stay for the night. What if car makers could use a similar model to easily order...

What the Best Mentors Do

What the Best Mentors Do

Can you think of a mentor who has helped you grow either personally or professionally? Perhaps a teacher? A boss early in your career? When have you mentored someone? How did it work out? I can remember a teacher or two who helped guide me. My first supervisor in...

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